Remember, The Day Before Scalia Died, How Normal The Supreme Court Seemed? — See Also

JEFF FLAKE (AND OTHERS) DEMAND AN F.B.I. INVESTIGATION: He traded the cow for some magic beans, but maybe he bought a beanstalk.

IF THERE IS AN INVESTIGATION, YALE IS ALL UP IN IT AGAIN: F.B.I. director Chris Wray is a Yale and Yale Law School alumn.

YALE LAW DEAN IS NOW SUPPORTS THAT INVESTIGATION: Dean Heather Gerken supports the ABA’s calls for a Kavanaugh investigation.

ASSUMING THE REPUBLICANS STILL RAM KAVANAUGH THROUGH THOUGH: Best prepare for a world without affirmative action.

OH, YEAH, SUMMER ASSOCIATES: I forgot they left. But here’s their report card on the firms they were at.

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